Thursday 17 December 2015

Sketchbook Work - Mechanical Marvel

Initial And Observational Drawings (WIP)

These are my initial idea sketches, I need to fill this page up with more ideas because at this point I don't feel like I have enough ideas to be completely happy with this piece of work.

These are some observational drawings, this is where we took pictures of steampunk looking robots and add our own details to giver them an original spin. I wasn't happy with the results because I wasn't happy with the ideas I got down or how creative I was

This piece of work was how I came up with the look of my final piece, I had the idea of a flying exploration robot but I couldn't think of the shape or look of the robot. So I filled a page of my sketchbook with random shapes that looked like they could work as a flying exploration robot and that is when I came up with the final look of my robot.


I created silhouette's to give myself ideas on how my robot could look and I also used it to develop my ideas.

Artist Interpretation and Mechanical Joints (WIP)

This is my artist interpretation of Matias Hannecke's robot digital painting I found, It interested me because it was an well done mecha that had a unique spin on it because of the colour and cartoony art style. So I first started to sketch it and after that I need to take it into photoshop and colour it. 

These are my mechanical joints drawings that I need to add more detail and show function more clearly, I also need to add more of these mechanical joints. I struggled with this particular piece of work because of my lack of knowledge of how the human body works and mechanical objects.

Developed Sketch

This is my developed sketch of an idea I had for the look and shape of my robot, I think that I will carry on this design into my final piece. I like the simplistic look of the robot and though I am not pleased with how it looks in a 2D format I am hopeful of how it will look after I model it in 3D.  

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Gantter Chart and Robotic Arm Experiment - Mechanical Marvel

Robotic Arm - WIP

This is an experiment in how to take organic joints and make them mechanical, as you can see in the wrist of the arm. I have other experimental sketches of mechanical joints that I will upload shortly.

Gantter Chart

This is my Gantter chart which is used as a checklist while I work through the project so that I can keep on top of work I need to do.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Critique sheets - Mechanical Marvel

These are responses to my peers about what I think of their work so far and what they think of their mine so far.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Robots In Media - Mechanical Marvel

Robots in Media


To further develop and understand the genre of robots and how exactly they have been designed I took robots from games and films. I researched how they designed and what questions the creators could've asked themselves while creating these robots, this helped me think what questions I could possibly ask myself to help further and improve my design process. I asked questions like:

Who built them?
Why were they built?
Where will it be used?
What abilities it has?
How can it be helpful?

Monday 23 November 2015

Research - Mechanical Marvel

The first thing I did in this project was to create a mind map of all the things I thought of when I thought about robotics, this includes power and materials robots could possibly be created out of.
After finishing my mind map I moved onto mood boards, I sorted my mood boards into to categories piloted and non-piloted robots this was so that I could get a varied look on existing robots that could give me ideas for my own robot.

I also researched modern day existing robots in the world and the ethical problems we are faced by implementing robots and the way we are moving forward with using more and more robots, this is causing people to lose their jobs and become increasingly redundant because of our advancements into robotics.